HOA maintenance services
One of the primary functions of any homeowners association is to maintain common spaces and protect property values by enforcing community rules and regulations, as well as Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). Cedar Management Group works tirelessly to educate our community board members and support them in these efforts.
HOA Community Maintenance
Cedar Management Group’s Maintenance and Field Support Staff are always available to perform and attend property inspections and landscape walks with vendors and/or board members. Our approach ensures accountability and that the highest levels of maintenance standards are met.
Our maintenance staff  is available to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To ensure the quick and efficient resolution of issues, we have a robust response system in place.
- As soon we receive a communication, we send a phone call and email request to the appropriate vendor
- The Maintenance Coordinator is provided with notification from that vendor with the date and time of the job
- The Maintenance Coordinator creates a report on the results of the inspection or repair once the job is done
- Details and confirmation of completion are included in the work order report provided at the following board meeting
HOA Covenant Violation Coordination
Cedar Management Group’s Maintenance and Field staff also perform regular property inspections and schedule landscape walks with vendors and/or board members to ensure adherence to the Rules and Regulations and CC&R’s of the community. We perform all inspections in a timely manner and produce detailed reports including pictures of any violations  found. Follow-up violations communication occurs immediately after a visit to the community. Our team will send an additional maintenance report at the board’s discretion alongside the monthly management report.
All violations communication occurs between the homeowner and the Cedar Management team. This way, the Board of Directors are not directly involved in the violations process, and are able to maintain strong relationships within their community.
If you are looking for better a more accountability and a better response to maintenance and violations from your HOA management company, contact our office at (877)-252-3327 or request a proposal online.